Weather The Storm

Weather the Storm

Inspiration comes in all beautiful colors. It can be an extraordinary an act of courage, devotion to a cause, an uplifitng smile, a kind touch or a consistent way of living. It can be an impactful bang or a silent reveal.

She's a silent inspiration. The one that makes it's way to your heart without conscious awareness.

She's a precious friend and sister close to my heart. Her silent courage, never-ending patience and perseverance inspire me to move on and bear my own storms, each and every day.

I never asked her what she went through in life because the way she's going through with what life's presenting her with, speaks volumes of her personality and her past.

Born into a family setup where sons were highly praised encouraged and prioritized over daughters, her growing up years were difficult due to poverty and other challenges. School was her refuge.

Her difficult marriage proved to be a constant compromise,

All her challenges along with a very difficult past could have turned her into a bitter and withdrawn person but she bloomed into a kind and caring human being instead.

She worked hard on her 3 sons and raised them as human beings first, men second and to be kind, compassionate.

As the saying goes, "A son is a son until he takes a wife. A daughter is a daughter for all of her life," today all her sons are far away but they are employed and hopefully doing work they enjoy, so despite the fact that she misses them, she's happy for them.

"I miss having my sons and their wives visit. I rarely talk with them because they are busy," but "As long as I know my sons are good people, are in good health and lucky enough to be working - I am okay with the rare visits. I have always loved them so much, and liked them as people too - that will never change", she says.

She has accepted losing people in her life due to the physical disabilities she lives with.

She has fibromyalgia and a genetic blood clotting disorder.

Fibromyalgia is something that can turn giants into dwarfs.

It's a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain all over the body, diffuse tenderness, and much much much more.

Despite all the agonizing pain and cruel effects of fibromyalgia she does all her work herself and even helps her family and friends in every way she can.

She is enveloped in contentment, grateful for the basic things she has and does not need more.

She remains isolated, rarely getting outside due to her illness but never complains."I know it can always be worse", she always says.

She sees trees beginning to bud outside her window, hoping she could go outside for something besides doctor appointment or blood tests; she sees trees from her window changing color, falling to the ground till they are bare. The wheel of time keeps rotating; seasons keep coming and going. With prayers on her lips she remains hopeful and grateful.

Whenever, due to some reason she has to tell a friend what she's going through, she always ends it with, "Not complaining, just explaining".

She knows how to weather the storms within and the ones in the physical world.

I'm grateful for having her in my life and I'm proud of her.

She's an inspiration.

Silent Inspiration 8

Pink Rose


Silent Inspiration 1

Pink Rose

Silent Inspiration 3

Pink Rose

Silent Inspiration 2

Pink Rose

Silent Inspiration 4

Pink Rose

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Silent Inspiration 5


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