The Right To Dream

The Right to Dream

I dedicate this poem to those who are ruled by authority figures; who are not allowed to breathe; not allowed to dream; not allowed to raise their voices against injustice.

The Right to Dream

Who knows how many light years it takes for the soul to complete its journey in this world and beyond to reach YOU. It's a journey through the river of fire - the river that can only be crossed by the eyes adorned with YOUR dreams.

SoulsjourneyYou are not allowed to dream!
You have broken wings, they screamed.
How dare you look at the sky, so high?
We will not let you fly.
Your crime is being 'different',
It's our right to be 'indifferent'.
They pushed us in the abyss, and said,
Go live in the oblivion, wither away and die.

As we were falling, we saw YOUR LIGHT,
We were blessed with wings, and the will to fight.
They saw, and stood in awe,
as we we flapped our wings and flew to the skies.


How can we not dream?
It's our right to dream!
We're free to dream
Our dreams are our own...

How can we not fly?
Our dreams are our wings
It's our right to fly!
We're free to fly
Our wings are our own...

You can't bear to see us smile?
How can we not smile?
Our dreams are our smiles
It's our right to smile!
We're free to smile
Our smiles are our own...

How can we not be vibrant, and shine?
Our dreams are our colors
They make me shine
It's our right to shine!
We're free to shine!
Our colors are our own...

When the storm is harsh
We dance in the rain,
like whirling dervishes,
eager to be one with YOU.

How can we not?
Our dreams make us dance;
It's our right to dance!
We're free to dance
We dance on YOUR tune
YOUR tune is our own...

YOU ARE our dream, our wings, and our smile,
YOU ARE our vibrance, our colours, and our shine,
YOU ARE our song, our dance and our tune,
YOU ARE our own, our very own,

The ONE and ONLY we've ever known.

- Tabinda Batool

Whirling Dervish

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