Strong Woman

He Knows

He is larger than life - a visionary, a leader, the founder of the country, the FATHER of the nation. For the corrupt ones, he's dead. They're feasting on his country like vultures feast on a corpse. While for those who love him, he lives.

They visit him in his mausoleum where he rests, with profound love and respect. He's their saviour, their saint. They take off their shoes at the gate and walk bare feet to his resting place.

He knows each and every face. He knows what they're going through. The haven that he lost his life for is no longer a safe place for them. Even his resting place isn't safe for them.

He remembers her with immense sorrow and pain...

She was an 18 years old new bride, who travelled more than 500 miles with her husband and in-laws to pay homage to him. No one could see the light of dreams in her eyes, better than him because he was a dreamer himself. He dreamt of a homeland for his nation and made it a reality - despite the worst of odds.

It was around 9:30 pm. Closing time was near and the mausoleum was bathed in darkness due to a power outage.

Her family members went inside while she stayed outside with her husband. They had run short of entry tickets so her hubby asked her to wait for him at the gate till he got back with tickets and some more family members who were due to arrive shortly.

It was a matter of a few minutes. When her husband returned to the gate, she was not there. He found her slippers nearby.

He could see her husband looking desperately for her all over the mausoleum. He could see the admin officers telling him to leave as the mausoleum was being closed. He could see his anguish and frustration.

He had seen what happened to her, She was waiting for her husband when the three of them appeared behind her. One of them put the muzzle of his pistol on her temple and the other one placed a chloroform dipped cloth on her nose. They abducted her.

He rushed towards them and tried to stop them but their satanic souls were far from hearing him. They took her in a small storeroom adjacent to where he rests and locked the door behind them.

That night was harder than the day of judgement for the two of them - him, and her.

He went on his knees, tears rolling down, his face raised towards the sky. He remained there for three days and three nights, while 5 wolves gang-raped his daughter - the daughter of the nation, for three days and three nights.

Her husband searched for her desperately, blaming himself for the disappearance of his bride - for three days and three nights.

On the fourth day, her husband received a phone call from the police, informing him that his wife was found on the stairs outside the mausoleum in a shocked and drugged state.

When he reached there, he found her surrounded by over 200 officials and passersby.

He couldn't see the soul of a grief stricken graceful fatherly figure - his Quaid-e-Azam (the Great Leader), standing near his wife, with his arm around her.


The news struck everyone like a thunderstorm.

How could such evil take place in the vicinity of such a sacred place?

How could someone disrespect the Father of the nation?

But they know and he knows that the nation has forgotten his teachings. They're now divided into two goups - like the children of Cain and Seth. His faithful - the minority are like the followers of Seth, holding on to hope and good values, while the corrupt ones - the majority, are the followers of Cain, ruled by greed and lust.

He's waiting patiently for the minority to regain their faith and confidence and overthrow the tyrants. He knows the day WILL come - the day IS near.

He knows what happened to her was meant to happen. She served a higher purpose. She was meant to be there to expose the corrupt management of the mausoleum - the followers of Cain, who had been abducting and raping innocent girls for God knows how many years in that sacred place.

Not only that, they were making money by letting couples on date, sneak into the basement where his grave is, to have sex.

The righteous souls pay the price of the sins of a nation that loses its integrity and self-respect. They expose evil by sacrificing their lives and honor.

Her life has totally changed - her dreams shattered. They've rejected her because to them she's an ugly scar on their so-called social status. They avoid looking at her. They don't find her worthy of their love and company. Her husband doesn't acknowledge her child as his own.

She's an outcast who served - unknowingly - to save the dreams of all those women who could have faced the same horror.

Despite all the pain and rejection, she hasn't lost her will to live and move on. They crushed her emotionally and physically but they couldn't break her soul and her faith.

She's making it one day at a time, quite confident that her time will come. She still loves and respects him unconditionally.

She's an inspiration. Nobody knows but HE KNOWS.


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